const swarmSize = 27; const rows = 20 const cols = 50 let swarms = [] function createSwarmGrid(rows, cols, size, cont) { const containerWidth = cols * size; const containerHeight = rows * size; const offsetX = (window.innerWidth - containerWidth) / 2; const offsetY = (window.innerHeight - containerHeight) / 2; for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('swarm'); const x = col * size; const y = row * size; = `${x}px`; = `${y}px`; div.dataset.originalX = x; div.dataset.originalY = y; div.innerHTML = `
`; document.querySelector("body").appendChild(div); swarms.push(div) } } } function handleMouseMove(e) { swarms.forEach((swarm, i) => { const originalX = parseFloat(swarm.dataset.originalX); const originalY = parseFloat(swarm.dataset.originalY); const distance = Math.hypot(e.clientX - originalX, e.clientY - originalY); if (distance < 300) { if (!swarm.dataset.transformed) { if (distance < 200 * Math.random()) { const angle = Math.atan2(e.clientY - originalY, e.clientX - originalX); let moveX = -Math.cos(angle) * Math.random() * 300; let moveY = -Math.sin(angle) * Math.random() * 300; swarm.children[0].style.transform = `translate(${moveX}px, ${moveY}px) rotate(${Math.random() * 90 - 45}deg)`; swarm.dataset.transformed = 'true'; } } } else { if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) == 0) { if (swarm.dataset.transformed) { swarm.children[0].style.transform = 'translate(0, 0)'; delete swarm.dataset.transformed; } } } }); } document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove); createSwarmGrid(rows, cols, swarmSize, "body"); $("body").append(` `)
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